How long is a windmill trailer?
16-55 meters normally.
The windmill trailer is used for the windmill blade transport in different transport conditions including road transportation and off road transportation including mountain transportation.
There’re mainly two types of windmill trailer, one of which is extendable type windmill blade transportation trailer, and another one is windmill blade adapter trailer which is used for off road.
The length for the extendable type windmill trailer is normally between 15-21meters when closed. After extending, the length of the windmill trailer is able to meet the requirement of 35-55 meters. The transport ability of the windmill blade trailer is able to meet up to 78 meters max.
For the windmill blade adapter trailer which is used for the mountain road transportation, the length of the trailer is only about 16 meters equipped with an adapter.
Different length for the windmill blade will be confirmed up to the transport road conditions and the customer’s requirement.